Also, Baylee entered a pumpkin contest at school and WON!! We did Oscar the Grouch and entered him in the Storybook Character category. It was a real family project as even my sister helped out with it!! She did the painting of his face (with Baylee's help). Ethan and I did the "worms" hanging out of the trash can and the girls helped me put on the eyebrows.

Another highlight is "Red Ribbon Week." Basically it is the school's "Say No To Drugs" campaign and the kids get to dress/do something fun for every day that week (i.e., funniest hat day, slipper day, camoflauge day, wacky hair day, etc....). Below is a picture of Baylee sporting her WACKY hair! Man, it was soooooo much fun fixing her hair!! The funny thing was that when she drove up to school, none of the teachers had wacky hair. She was a tad nervous that she got the wrong day! LOL!

Even with wacky hair she is still cute as a button.
Tomorrow is Scarecrow Day for the two little ones. I will share pics of that soon. And I still have pics to upload from Baylee's party! We had a thief among us! LOL! Erin, I will get to those tomorrow. PROMISE!
Have a happy weekend!