With everything that has been going on this week with my grandma passing, it was nice to have a quiet Thanksgiving and enjoy the many blessings in my life. My grandma was one of the best ladies I knew and although I will miss her terribly, it made me doubly thankful for all of the blessings I still have in my life. We enjoyed Thanksgiving at my inlaws' house and were able to finally get some visiting time with Troy's sister and her family. We only see them a few times a year so it is always a treat when they come down for a week for Thanksgiving. The kids LOVE playing with their cousins and this year was no exception. It has become a tradition to try and get a group shot of all five kids for my mother-in-law's Christmas cards. It is much easier now that they are getting older. It still took FOREVER to get them all looking and smiling at the camera but at least we have outgrown the crying fits. LOL! This one is my favorite although the girls' hair was looking a little messy by now (you can click on it to make it larger). The kids were really good sports and we had a great time!!
Hope everyone else had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!