Please make a note in your address book!
On a good note, we finally got satellite today! WOO HOO!! I am sooooo excited to have DVR. I finally feel like I am in the present. Hehe. Now I just need to figure it all out.
And last, but certainly not least.......Ethan's most recent school project. With Thanksgiving coming, Ethan came home with a picture of a turkey. The assignment was to disguise the turkey by making him something different. When I asked Ethan what he wanted to disguise his turkey as he said "_______ ________." We decided to tear apart paper and layer it on in paper mache format (but not all smoothed out). I think it turned out pretty dang cute. Do yall know what it is??? Leave me a comment with your guess and I will do a random generator to pick a winner to receive a $5 gift certificate good towards any purchase made from my Etsy store. I will pick on Friday.
