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Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Etsy Shop or Keep It All Together??

That is the question...... So I have been seriously considering offering some of my baby items that I usually only make as gifts. Baby stuff is seriously addictive and I have been wanting to branch out from just camera accessories just to add a little variety. I have been throwing around the idea of opening a new store geared just towards babies and toddlers. What do yall think? Keep it together in my existing shop or open something specifically for my baby/toddler items?

What would be in this store you ask?? Well to start, these super cute and HIGHLY functional tinkle tents to keep you dry while changing those sweet little baby boys.

I would also love to offer:

* Diaper Bags in various sizes;
* Nursing Covers;
* Custom Burp Cloths;
* Diaper Keepers;
* Changing Pads;
* Paci Holders; and
* Bibs

So what do yall think? Separate store or keep everything all in one place? Would really love your opinion!!
