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Monday, January 25, 2010

Bloggy Potluck Randomness

My mind has been all over the place lately with everything going on around here, with the kids, with my busines, etc.....  So why not share the madness and chaos with all of you.  I am sure you can relate...right?

I promise not to bore you to tears for too long.  I will just start with Friday and run through a little about our weekend and other random, silly stuff that either make me laugh or make me melt.  Kids are great like that.

So I am sitting in the carpool lane waiting to pick up Ethan.

Just your normal pick-up line I am sure a lot of you have to sit in E.V.E.R.Y S.I.N.G.L.E W.E.E.K.D.A.Y.

No biggie....I came prepared.

Yep, reading this great book with lots of eye candy pictures.  See, I really am trying to be a better and more interesting blogger.

This sweet, sweet little boy gets in the car and says.......
Ethan:  Mama, I am so ready for Summer.
Mama (that is me): What do you want to do this Summer.
Ethan:  I just don't want to miss you anymore.
Mama (who is hiding the "awwww" look from him):  Don't you like school?
Ethan:  I love school.  But I really, really don't want to miss you anymore.

I mean seriously...he melted my heart!  I love my sweet little boy. If he would have asked for a car at that moment, I would have bought him one.

Now on to the oldest plays select (travel team) softball.  We are a sports family and softball is one of my all time favorite sports.  I think we enjoy it as much as she does.  Anyway, we spent the weekend in Houston playing in a softball tournament.  They did GREAT!!  Didn't place but slowly stair-stepping our way up the ladder.  We did get pretty beat up by the wind though.  I had a think layer of softball field dirt all over my face by the end of it.

Doesn't she look sharp in her uniform?

I have had a few people on Twitter ask to see my naturally curly hair.  So I snapped a quick picture (one of those mirror pics with my iPhone) before heading out to Houston.  And just so you know.....I do have a little more color in face.  Yes, I need a tan but it isn't quite this bad in real life.  Most of you only see me with my hair straight.  But here are my natural curls in all their glory.  My hair is really thick and sometimes it can get a little out of control.  Thank goodness for the Chi straightening iron.

And last (see....I told you I wouldn't bore you for too long) but not least....I saved the best for last.....Photo Booth.  What is photo booth?  It is a program on my Mac that my kids are addicted to.  It is like looking at yourself in a funhouse mirror.  Crazy, funny and the kids will crack up at it for HOURS.  Some of them are so dang funny that you can't help but laugh out loud.


Baylee (she does the most creative ones)


Aren't those funny?  I really had a TON more to share but I figured I might lose a few of you if I shared them all.  If you have a Mac, I HIGHLY recommend you try it.  Family fun for hours!!

Now how is that for some potluck blogging?  Did I jump to too many topics?? 

Stay tuned this week.  I have several tutorials in the of which I am hoping to get out this week.