We headed over to see The Big Guy directly from school (to beat the onslaught of kids). Can you tell it was Friday (School Spirit Day)??
Well the kids have been busily writing letters to Santa about what they wanted for Christmas and all claim they have been good this year (I could argue that to a point).
Have you been naughty or nice? What is on your wish list this year? Any specific Christmas wishes this year? My Christmas wish is for happy & healthy kids and a prosperous New Year for both Troy and I's businesses. A new Coach bag in on my wish list.
What about New Year's resolutions? Every year I set a resolution to lose weight. I usually do but it just never STAYS that way. UGH! The never ending battle! My other resolution is to double my business for 2009. LOTS and LOTS of ideas to get working on for the New Year.
And last but not least....guess what.......it snowed here last night! YEP! We have not seen snow like this since the 1980s. I have downloaded the pics and will try and share those tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!