Priddy Creations Blog Has MOVED!!
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Friday, January 29, 2010

An Exciting Opportunity & A Feature

 I have done a lot of talking and thinking lately on how to expand and grow my business.  Coming up with new and marketable products can be a frustrating and sometimes difficult process.  Is there anything out there like your idea?  Will people want to buy it?  What kind options can you offer for it?  Will others recommend your product?  What should you charge....the questions and decisions are sometimes endless.  

Then when you do come up with a product that is successful and you begin making that product over and over, you can get stuck in a rut.   When this happens, I usually look for outside inspiration to change things up.  I love when someone challenges me to make something that I may not have thought about on my own.  It is a breath of fresh air to work with a customer or friend on that perfect custom piece.  One of the BEST things about designing is making someone else's vision come to life.  And better yet, to make it even better than they pictured in their head.  LOVE THAT!  It is one of the main reasons I do what I do.

Sometimes it is as simple as needing a jumping off point.  Inspiration comes from everywhere....your kids, family, nature, a beautiful fabric....Sometimes it comes in the way of handmade, polymer clay BUTTONS!!  Yep, beautiful, eye candy, perfect little BUTTONS!!

The perfect opportunity for me to try something new came to me by way of Tessa Ann of The Button Shop.    It is opportunities like these that help me think outside of the box, get inspired by other's work and share that inspiration with all of you.

(You can check out Tessa Ann's feature here).

I am extremely flattered and excited to be chosen by Tessa Ann to be part of her Creative Team.  Three other talented ladies will be joining in as well!  

Beginning the 1st Monday of February and every Monday thereafter, one of the Creative Team members will be showcased along with their Button Shop creation. Prepare to be inspired!!

So keep your eyes peeled on my blog as well as Tessa Ann's for the Creative Team showcases.

Take a peek at her blog for the details and to see who else will be taking part in this fantastic opportunity!

And the good news isn't done yet... I am tickled to be featured on this fabulous, easy on the eyes blog, House of Design.

Be sure and take a look around!

Mama is off to enjoy the quiet house (kids are at Maw Maw and Pop's) and catch up on some Project Runway and Housewives of Orange County.  Hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!