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Friday, March 12, 2010

Volleyball Basics & A Sneak Peek

The kids are on Spring Break this week.  Spring Break = lots of "I'm bored!" complaining.  Sleeping in.....ain't gonna happen.   I really thought that the first few days would be ok.  Nope.  Lots of fighting, tattling and picking on each other.  Is it too much to ask for your kids to just want to be lazy and relax for a few days when they are on break?  Evidently.  I think my kids are just so used to ALWAYS having something to do or some place to go.  Especially this time of year

So we went.....

One of my best friends used to coach volleyball.  We played softball, volleyball, basketball, you name it when we were in school together.

Here we are: my Senior year (her Junior)

I am #18 and she is the tall blonde standing on the back row in our uniform (man I forgot how skinny I was back then).

Another fun pic (we had SOOOOO much fun together).  This was our All District picture:

Yep, that is me making the fish lips. There she is again right behind me sportin' the hat.
My point is that we have been friends for a very long time. Our kids will grow up together like we did. I love her like family.  She is always there when I need her and she just well.....ROCKS!

She totally saved my sanity for at least one day over break. My two little ones went to my parents and Baylee and I headed to her house with another friend for some volleyball basics. It was a ton of fun working with the girls. Brought back lots of great memories. Made me really miss volleyball.
They learned the basics of passing, hitting and serving.  Below, they are learning how to serve.

We took it outside so we could see how our lessons paid off.  Both girls did really good.


Hand up....


Step and hit.  We definitely need to practice but they got it pretty good.

Erin also has a 6 month old.  We went inside to get something for him and this is what we come out to.....

Volleyball is definitely not on the brain at this moment.  :)   It was a really fun day.

Otherwise, it has been business as usual for me and I have been trying to squeeze in as much sewing as possible.  Troy was working this week so no mini-vacay for us on this break.  But that is ok because we just booked our condo for a week at the beach this Summer.  Ahhhhh, I can't wait!

The kids did get to spend time with both sets of grandparents though.  With our busy schedules, they don't get to spend much time at their houses.  It was nice to have a break from all the practices and homework this week.

I did mention sewing right?  I love custom orders.  They keep me busy.  And sometimes I get lucky and the custom requests push me to make time for new products.  Like this one:

It is my new, LARGE camera bag.  Same basic bag as my medium but with a few more options.  In this one, you can fit up to 4 lenses and/or speedlites plus a camera body with smaller lens attached.  This particular bag is done in more classic fabrics.  I love damask!

The inside has two, removable padded dividers.

When I get to the point of adding my camera bags back to my inventory, this will be added as well.

I have been working on several brand new custom items this week.  Hoping to squeeze in some ready to ship items next week.  So stay tuned!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!