COMMENTS CLOSED! Thanks for entering!!
I recently came across a site that was making these SUPER cute organza and satin flower camera straps. They weren't the slipcovers like mine are, but actual camera straps. I loved them so much that I tried to make something similar in a slipcover. And WA-LA! This was the end result.
Satin flowers on a lace ribbon. They are super soft and oh so pretty.
I will not be adding these to my inventory. It was more of a "I wanna see if I can make that" kind of deal. And I was extremely happy with the result. I have some organza flowers that I will try next. They are larger and might be a bit more tricky. But I am determined to try them.
With that said.....I am giving away this lovely camera strap slipcover to one lucky reader. All you have to do to enter is tell me what your plans are for the Summer.
And for those that like as many chances as possible, here are some OPTIONAL ways to earn extra entries. Just please remember to put your email in one of the posts so I can contact you if you win.
Head over to my website and take a look around. Head back here and tell what is on your wish list;
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Add my blog button to your blog (left column you can find the code). Just make sure you put the link in the comments section showing me where you put the button.
Make sure and leave a comment for each thing that you do for it to count. And remember, all of these are OPTIONAL! The only thing you HAVE to do to enter is tell me what your Summer plans are.
This giveaway will last for one week and the winner will be announced on Thursday, June 13.
Good luck!!